Tag Archives: feminist

Women in 3D

I am back in Iowa with my family and we got a beautiful snowstorm yesterday, meaning we are set to have a white Christmas. This also means that it is too cold to romp about outside too much—after all, a Norwegian sweater will only insulate you from so much. In my family this boils down […]

When Fictional Violence Gets Real

TRIGGER WARNING: THIS POST DISCUSSES SCENES OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE Although I’ve never been a huge horror film buff, much of my pre-Halloween ritual involves binging on scary movies. While I enjoy a good psychological thriller, I also try to get in some gore–especially if there’s a cult classic I have missed. A couple weeks ago […]

Please Don’t STFU

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” –Martin Luther King Jr., I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World My feminist journey began when I was too young to consciously notice it. Born into a family with a very strong and opinionated mother, I never […]

Mermaids Can Make History Too

It’s summertime, which means we take every opportunity to rid ourselves of any and all excess clothing in the hopes of keeping the heat monster at bay. Take that, humidity! We’ve become pretty comfortable with nudity in New York; I mean, we’re no southern France, but we do our American best to be as naked […]