Tag Archives: women

On Travel. Writing.

The first voyage of my life was inside my mother’s womb as we traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to England together. My dad always asks me if I remember that trip, or if I remember seeing the redwoods in California even though I was two years old at the time. Of course I don’t, but […]

Women in 3D

I am back in Iowa with my family and we got a beautiful snowstorm yesterday, meaning we are set to have a white Christmas. This also means that it is too cold to romp about outside too much—after all, a Norwegian sweater will only insulate you from so much. In my family this boils down […]

Pantheon Godesses

The Panthéon is situated in the heart of Paris’ Left Bank, its bastion of intellectualism and creativity. Commissioned by Louis XV in 1758 to honor Saint Genevieve, the neoclassical building now serves as a secular mausoleum dedicated to “the great men of France” and the so called “cult of the nation.” It hosts an interesting […]